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Technique: 'Standup/Takedowns/Offense - Low Single Leg Takedown';
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Collar Control from Standing, Ankle Pick Takedown, Push-Kick Sweep from Butterfly, Single Leg from Butterfly Guard

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo shares with his Advanced Class a series he developed from his first experience with takedowns in jiu-jitsu: [I] Starting with a Collar Grip from Standing (acquired perhaps after a grip-break), lunge forward and ...
Hand Fighting from Standing → Low Single Leg → Ankle Pick Takedown → Over Under Control vs Butterfly Guard

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo shows how to get your 2pts for a takedown when the opponent pulls: [I] Dive on the leg of the opponent that he uses to elevate his opposite side; i.e., shoot on the leg that holds the opponent's weight. Attackin...
Breaking Gi Grip from Standing → Single Leg → Sprawl vs Sumigaeshi → Bridge vs Roll

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo counters Sumigaeshi: [I] If your opponent latches onto the back of your gi from standing with the intent of ashiwaza, drop down onto his leg when it approaches and come up with a Single; stay low on the leg, awa...
Sweeping Singles & Re-Shooting vs Guard Pulling

2 Part Lesson - Avoid the opponent's Guard Pull through circling and shooting sweeping Singles. As the opponent defends your shot and prepares to Pull Guard, Re-Shoot.
Posted: 2697 days ago
Sweeping Singles vs Guard Pulling & North South vs Inverting

3 Part Lesson - Avoid the opponent's Guard Pull through circling and shooting sweeping Singles. If the opponent Sprawls and pulls guard against your shot, run North South and pin his upper body.
“Sweep” Single Leg Takedown → Collar Control from Standing

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo takes down a guard puller: [I] Your best option for securing a Take-Down against an opponent who wants to Pull-Guard is the Sweep-Single Leg Takedown (aka Outside/Low Single, Swing-Single, et al.). Make your opp...
Posted: 2570 days ago
Breaking Gi Grips from Standing

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo addresses an opponent's strong collar grip: If you can help it, don't let your opponent find a grip on your collar while standing; allowing such may lend comfort to your opponent's mindset as well as place you ...
Hand Fighting from Standing > Single Leg Takedown

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo applies the fake-it-til-you-make-it approach to wrestling: Aggressiveness and confidence on your feet can take you a long way; especially when you haven't dedicated enough mat-time working on your wrestling tec...
Posted: 1830 days ago
Single Leg > Pumphandle Gi Grip from Standing

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo hits a Swing Single: Shoot around your opponent rather than underneath if you are worried they will answer back with a well-timed Sprawl. You can shoot after Hand-Fighting or even control first with a Collar Gr...
Shooting from the Outside

1 Part Lesson -- Marcelo advocates shooting from the outside: If you are the smaller grappler, risking a shot and ending up stuck underneath your opponent's sprawl may not seem like an advisable tactic. However, if you circle around yo...
Hand Fighting from Standing > Single Leg Takedown

3 Part Lesson -- Marcelo addresses Hand-Fighting for a Swing-Single: When wrestling, you ideally want to minimize how much time you spend below your opponent, even when attempting a takedown or escaping a ride. Avoid shooting for a Hig...
Chasing, Cutting Off & Cornering a Stalling Opponent

Advanced Lesson Part 4 of 5 -- Marcelo reiterates on the importance of learning how to focus against someone willing to not take any risks or chances that would let you turn the tides and potentially score on them: If you're down on po...
Experiencing Strategic Evasion on the Feet

Advanced Lesson Part 3 of 5 -- Marcelo devises drill-able scenario to let his students experience the frustration and pressure that comes from an all-too-frequent competitive plan, when your opponent is up on points with little time re...
Swing Single Leg Takedown without Collar Grip

Advanced Lesson Part 2 of 5 -- Marcelo engages directly with a Swing-Single: Practice taking shots that are just the right distance away; not too far away that you telegraph your intentions, and not so close that your opponent has time...
Posted: 1563 days ago
Arm-Drag Single-Leg, Jumping on the Back from the Back Body-Lock, Seat-Belt Control

Advanced Lesson Part 3 of 3 -- Marcelo capitalizes on a brief window to take the Back from a Rear Waist-Lock: If your opponent is late to stand upright after you've successfully captured their hips from behind with a Standing Arm-Drag ...
Standing Arm-Dag with Leg-Trip, Single-Leg, Jumping on the Back, Seat-Belt Control, Back Body-Lock

Advanced Lesson Part 2 of 3 -- Marcelo applies a contingent attack for when it's too slippery for the Arm-Drag to the Back: Optimize your opportunity to successfully pull-off the Standing Arm-Drag by hitting it at the beginning of a ma...
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