Far Side Armbar from Knee on Belly, Grip Break vs Armbar Defense
Marcelo augments an arm-lock with his signature style: After utilizing the Knee-on-Belly to help fish out an Under-Hook against your opponent, you may feel a strong retracting pressure from their elbow as they look to bring their shoulder back down flat on the mat for an escape; instead of duck-walking passed North to the opposite side and landing with your shin wedged vertically against their armpit, opt to swing your foot directly across their chest as you fall down onto your hip. Keeping tension in their arm from the fall, your opponent will likely only be able to lock together their fingers to prevent their arm from extension. Square yourself up perpendicularly, surrounding their shoulder while still maintaining pressure against their arm so they cannot advance their defense. Push their elbow into the crook of your lap towards the side facing their legs and choke up your grip on their arm sliding up to their wrist. Increase pressure against their grip until failure and fall back extending their arm, remembering to take control over their wrist to prevent rotation.