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Technique: 'Guard/Butterfly/Bottom/Sweeps - Cross Arm and Belt Sweep fro...';
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2on1 Control, Cross Arm and Belt Sweep from Butterfly
2on1 Control to Gi Belt and Arm Control to Hook Sweep
2on1 Contol to Cross Arm and Belt Sweep
2on1 Control from Standing, Pull Guard, Cross Arm and Belt Sweep
2on1 Control to Cross Arm and Belt Control to Cross Arm and Belt Sweep
2on1 Control, Cross Arm and Belt Sweep from Butterfly
2on1 Control from Butterfly, Cross Arm and Belt Sweep
2on1 Control to Gi Belt and Arm Sweep
Cross Arm and Belt Controlled Sweep
Pull Guard, Cross Arm and Gi Belt Sweep
Cross Arm and Belt Reversal
Cross Arm and Belt Sweep
Posted: 5389 days ago
Cross Arm and Belt Sweep from Butterfly
Cross Arm and Belt Sweep from Butterfly
2on1 Control, Cross Arm and Belt Hook Sweep from Butterfly
Cross Arm and Belt Sweep from Butterfly → Armbar from Butterfly
2on1 Control, Cross Arm and Belt Control, Cross Arm and Belt Sweep
Breaking Gi Grips, 2on1 Control, Cross Arm and Belt Control, Hook Sweep, Cross Arm and Belt Sweep
2on1 Control, Cross Arm and Belt Control Sweep from Butterfly
Over Under Control, Cross Arm and Belt Control Hook Sweep from Butterfly
2on1 Control from Butterfly, Cross Arm and Belt Sweep from Butterfly
2on1 Control from Butterfly, Cross Arm and Belt Sweep from Butterfly
Cross Arm and Belt Sweep from Butterfly
Breaking Gi Grips from Half Guard, 2on1 Control from Butterfly, Cross Arm and Belt Sweep from Butterfly, Armbar from Back
Cross Arm and Belt Sweep from Butterfly
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