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Technique: 'Guard/Closed Guard/Top/Counters - Kick Escape vs Closed Guar...';
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Kick Escape vs Closed Guard > Breaking the Closed Guard

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo breaks out of the Closed Guard: Control your opponent's hands before popping up to both feet and leaning back; if they don't engage with grips and wait to attack your legs, raise up and be ready to kick your tr...
Posted: 1929 days ago
Breaking the Closed Guard > Kick Escape vs Closed Guard

3 Part Lesson -- Marcelo breaks open the Closed Guard in Nogi: Control your opponent's hands or keep them away from controlling yours so that you can pop up to your feet and dig under his or her leg. Kick your trail leg free from any g...
Posted: 1991 days ago
Posture vs Spider Guard Lasso > Kick Escape vs Sweep > Stacking Pass vs Open Guard

3 Part Lesson -- Marcelo trades a bad situation for a slightly better, more manageable one: If you cannot manipulate your hand around your opponent's leg to break his or her grip while held in Lasso-Guard, posture up strongly and pull ...
Standing Closed Guard Break

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo talks about the Standing-Closed-Guard-Break for Nogi: You must prepare to move quickly after breaking open your opponent's guard in Nogi; you can go more slowly in the Gi because the friction from the fabric wi...
Posted: 2103 days ago
Breaking the Closed Guard → Kick Escape vs Closed Guard

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo implores his students to rise to their feet when inside the Closed Guard: [I] Stand-Up inside of the Closed Guard as soon as possible; but first make sure your opponent is not all ready undertaking an offensive ...
Posted: 2398 days ago
Posture vs Spider Guard → Breaking Grips vs Spider Guard → Passing vs Spider Guard
Posture vs Spider Guard Lasso → Inside Knee Control vs Spider Guard → Circle Pass vs Spider Hook → Omoplata Escape

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo surpasses the Spider: [I] Whenever you are under imbalance inside of your opponent's Spider Guard, make counter-grips anywhere you can affirm your hands; this can be the pants, belts, jacket, lapel. Find your fo...
Preventing Leg Attacks

3 Part Lesson - Marcelo defeats common leg attacking and entrapping moments through anticipation, stable body structure, and precise movements to evade danger.
Preventing & Passing Leg Entanglements

3 Part Lesson - Marcelo conceptualizes defense and offense against an opponent's leg attacks after breaking Closed Guard.
Protecting your Legs after Breaking Closed Guard

2 Part Lesson - Marcelo explains how to unwind your leading leg and reset your base throughout an opponent's oncoming hold against your legs.
Posted: 2478 days ago
Protecting after Breaking Closed Guard

2 Part Lesson - Marcelo reviews how to answer against the opponent's oncoming leg attacks the moment you've broken his Closed Guard.
Kick Escape vs Closed Guard

Marcelo dials in on an overlooked aspect of breaking the Closed Guard from standing: [I] When your opponent decides to uncross his ankles and drop down into an Open Guard after you pick up his Closed Guard from the mat, immediately swi...
Posted: 2524 days ago
Hand Fighting from Inside Closed Guard 2

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo diffuses several attacks from Closed Guard: [I] Peel off your opponent's control before anything else can go wrong. Don't trust even the most innocuous of touches or contact, especially after getting manipulated...
Standing to Break Closed Guard, Kick Escape or Bicep Step

2 Part Lesson - As you stand, dig with your dominant arm under the opponent's legs to break open his Closed Guard. If you are right handed, your left leg will be in front to either step on the opponent's bicep or kick out to escape his...
Posted: 2790 days ago
Breaking Grips vs Open Guard

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo preemptively counters attacks from Open Guard: [I] If your opponent tries to make an angle for his Delariva-Hook after you open his Closed Guard from standing, point your lead knee to the outside and circle inwa...
Kick Escape vs Closed Guard → Under Hook and Head vs Half Guard → Leg Over to Back Step Half Guard

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo opts to intercept his opponent's counterattack after he breaks open the Closed Guard: [I] Plan on reengaging your opponent after you free your foot from the Double Ankle Sweep; if you can keep your preferred lea...
Kick Escape & Leg Pull vs Leg Attacks after Breaking Closed Guard

2 Part Lesson - Your legs are briefly exposed the the moment you've broken the opponent's Closed Guard. If he pulls at your heels, swing and circle your leg free to maintain your base. However, if the opponent twists and inverts to att...
Standing to Break Closed Guard & Defending the De La Riva Hooks

3 Part Lesson - As the opponent hooks into De La Riva Guard after you've stood to split his Closed Guard, point your knee and use your shin to obstruct the opponent's rotation underneath you.
Preventing & Escaping Leg Locks .

4 Part Lesson - Marcelo escapes a series of leg attacks by pulling his leg safely through openings before he is in danger. Continue to follow and face the opponent as you untangle your leg and grab his hands to protect yourself from su...
Breaking Closed Guard vs Over Hooks & Under Hooks

2 Part Lesson - Marcelo instructs how to deal with an opponent that sticks onto you from Closed Guard using Over Hooks or Double Under Hooks. As you stand to break his guard, anticipate he might attempt to take you down.
Hand Control, Kick Escape & Bicep Step vs Closed Guard

2 Part Lesson - Marcelo explains how to counter an opponent grabbing at your legs as your standing to break his Closed Guard.
Posted: 3610 days ago
Breaking the Closed Guard → Kick Escape vs Closed Guard → Cross Arm Trap vs Closed Guard → Knee Slide vs Open Guard

3 Part Lesson — [I] Success in breaking open the Closed Guard while standing involves timely coordination of your limbs; if your opponent tries to pick your heel (outside grip around foot), kick forward and step back as you crank his a...
Kick Escape vs Ankle Pull Sweep from Open & Closed Guard

2 Part Lesson - Marcelo shows how to counter the basic Ankle Pull Sweep from Closed Guard. Controlling the opponent's hands before you stand to break his Closed Guard would be ideal, but as the opponent's attention focuses towards your...
Posted: 3630 days ago
Breaking the Closed Guard, Step-on-Biceps vs Ankle Pull Sweep, Double Knee Pass vs Open Guard, Standing Step Pass vs Open Guard Bottom

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo buys himself time by stepping on his opponent's arm: [I] If you need more time to break open your opponent's Closed Guard while standing, forestall his Double Ankle Sweep by stepping directly onto one of his bic...
Breaking the Closed Guard, Kick Escape vs Closed Guard Bottom

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo explains how to properly escape the Closed Guard: [I] After leaping to your feet while inside your opponent's guard, arch your back and dig underneath his crossed ankles before he has a chance to trip you up by ...
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