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Technique: 'Standup/Takedowns/Offense - Knee Pick Takedown';
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Collar Control from Standing, Pumphandle Gi Grip, Single Leg Takedown, Knee Pick Takedown

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo shows three simple yet effective wrestling-style takedowns with the Gi: [I] Setting up a Single Leg is often best accomplished with a Collar Grip; keep your opponent busy with the grip, i.e. ward off his attempt...
Hand Fighting, 2on1 Control, Knee Pick, Double Leg Takedown

2 Part Lesson - The opponent's disengagement of your 2on1 control from standing flourishes take down opportunities. As he pulls away, unsettle his balance by amplifying his reactions and connect the nearest move.
Sprawl vs Takedown, Single Leg Counter, Ashidorigaeshi vs Single Leg Takedown

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo demonstrates a new way to free your leg from the Single: [I] Avoid letting your opponent hold your leg above the knee while he or she is in on a Single. If your knee is free to rotate, you can keep distance with...
Posted: 3832 days ago
Hand Fighting from Standing → Low Single Leg → Ankle Pick Takedown → Over Under Control vs Butterfly Guard

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo shows how to get your 2pts for a takedown when the opponent pulls: [I] Dive on the leg of the opponent that he uses to elevate his opposite side; i.e., shoot on the leg that holds the opponent's weight. Attackin...
Sprawl vs Double Leg → Snap-Down & Spin-Around to Seatbelt → Kibisugaeshi & Kuchikitaoshi `

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo reverses a Double into a Takedown of his own: [I] If you see your opponent telegraph his shot on your legs, respond by bracing against his shoulders with your hands as you sprawl back and then make grips to shak...
X Guard Takedown from X Guard

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo shows a grip variation for the Jogaforanolixo from X: [I] Kick your opponent's weight off-center while occupying the X-Guard position directly underneath his base. Immediately retract your hooks and set them dow...
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