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Technique: 'Guard/Butterfly/Bottom/Controls - Belt and Over Control from...';
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Belt and Over Control Hook Sweep from Butterfly
Belt and Over Control from Butterfly, Hook Sweep from Butterfly
Belt and Over Control from Butterfly, Hook Sweep from Butterfly
Belt and Over Control from Butterfly, Hook Sweep from Butterfly
Belt and Over Control from Butterfly, Hook Sweep from Butterfly
Belt and Over Control from Butterfly, Hook Sweep from Butterfly
Belt and Over Control from Butterfly, Hook Sweep from Butterfly
Belt and Over Control from Butterfly, Hook Sweep from Butterfly
Belt and Over Control from Butterfly, Hook Sweep from Butterfly
Collar and Elbow Control from Butterfly, Cross Arm and Belt Control from Butterfly, Cross Arm and Belt Sweep from Butterfly, Belt and Over Control from Butterfly, Hook Sweep from Butterfly
Belt and Over Control from Butterfly
Belt and Over Control from Butterfly
2on1 Control from Butterfly, Belt and Over Control from Butterfly, Hook Sweep from Butterfly
Belt and Over Control from Butterfly, 1Leg X Guard Entry
Belt Control Hook Sweep
Belt and Over Control from Butterfly, Over Under Control from Butterfly, Hook Sweep from Butterfly, Over Under vs Half Guard
Belt and Over Control from Butterfly, Bridge Escape from Half Guard
Belt and Over Control Hook Sweep from Butterfly
Belt and Over Control from Butterfly, Omoplata from Hook Sweep, Omoplata to Back Control, Arm Trap Variation from Back, Collar Choke from Back
Belt and Over Control from Butterfly, Hook Sweep from Butterfly, Mount
2on1 Control from Butterfly, Belt and Over Control from Butterfly, Hook Sweep from Butterfly
Belt and Over Control from Butterfly, Hook Sweep from Butterfly
Belt and Over Control from Butterfly Hook Sweep from Butterfly
Closed Guard to Butterfly Guard, Belt and Over Control Hook Sweep from Butterfly
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