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Technique: 'Standup/Takedowns/Defense - Taking Back vs Low Single Leg';
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Taking Back vs Low Single Leg, Guillotine vs Takedown

2 Part Technique - If you sense your opponent intends to turn over to his knees for a low single while in half guard, allow it to happen under the condition that you maintain downward pressure on his neck and shoulders with your hands ...
Posted: 5078 days ago
Single Leg Counter → Bulldog Choke → Taking Back vs Low Single Leg → Rear Naked Choke

4 Part Lesson — Marcelo traps his opponent in a Bulldog Choke while countering a Single: [I] Using your hand on your opponent's head to slow his rise, if you notice a clearing around his neck, release the post and wrap around his throa...
Taking Back vs Low Single Leg

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo vanishes out of a Single and seemingly teleports himself onto a Rear Naked: [I] Marcelo quickly drills his students in countering the Single Leg vs Knee on Belly by sprawling hard on his opponent's out-reached a...
Taking Back vs Single Leg

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo takes the back against a single leg from seated guard: [I] If your opponent builds up onto your lead leg for a single after pinning his back to the mat with a collar grip, post on his shoulder as you kick your l...
Guillotine vs Takedown → Taking Back vs Low Single Leg

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo counterattacks a Single Leg Takedown attempt: [I] If your opponent manages to capture your leg before you can properly sprawl back in defense of a Single Leg, apply pressure to their head, forcing them down towa...
Defeating the Single Leg

4 Part Lesson - Marcelo systematically defeats the Single Leg Takedown through different ranges. As the opponent closes the distance, the shortening of boundaries affects your answers. Guillotines, Front Head Locks, & Back Takes are ap...
Posted: 2368 days ago
Knee Slide Pass, Knee on Belly, High Leg Over vs Lapel Single

4 Part Lesson -- Marcelo applies a Knee-Cut Pass: If your opponent opts for Single Leg Control from Seated Guard (Butterfly, Koala, Shin-to-Shin, et al.), secure a same-side Collar-Grip and drive your opponent flat while crossing your ...
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