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Technique: 'Standup/Takedowns/Defense - Uchi Mata vs Single Leg';
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Over Hook vs Single Leg, Uchi Mata vs Single Leg

3 Part Technique - Use an Over Hook Control and stomp against an opponent's Single Leg to break free. If you cannot break the Single Leg while standing, control the opponent's upper body and get under his weight to Uchi Mata. The oppon...
Posted: 4622 days ago
Single Leg Counter, Guillotine vs Takedown, Over Hook vs Single Leg, Uchi Mata vs Single Leg Takedown

3 Part Technique - If attacked by a Single Leg Takedown, try yanking your leg clear out of his control; but if you feel too much resistance, snap his head down into a Guillotine Choke. If he brings you to the mat, do your best to hold ...
Collar Control from Standing, Leg Trip, Uchi Mata vs Single Leg, Over Under from Standing

4 Part Lesson - Utilize conventional Judo against a classic wrestling single leg with timing. Recognize the opponent's knee placement and step or trip against his base before he stands with your leg. If the opponent stands, Uchi Mata t...
Over Under Reversal vs Double Leg, Uchi Mata vs Single Leg

3 Part Lesson - As you sprawl against the opponent's Double Leg and feel him driving, twist to create the space necessary to swim for an Over Under Control. If the opponent bails to the Single Leg, defend with the Whizzer & Uchi Mata S...
Establishing and Passing Half Guard after Uchi Mata Takedown

2 Part Lesson - Once you've thrown the opponent he will react with a series of reactions from using an Under Hook to escape your Whizzer or diving into Deep Half Guard. Counter his Under Hook by framing and pummeling, but Back Step if ...
Over Under Reversal from Sprawl vs Takedown → Uchi Mata vs Single Leg

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo counters a Single Leg Take-Up by observing which of his opponent's knees comes up from the mat against his Sprawl: [I] If your opponent lifts his inside knee up to build his or her base to stand up with your leg...
Single Leg Counter > High Leg Over vs Lapel Control

4 Part Lesson -- Marcelo counters the Lapel/Single: When your opponent tries to come up on a Single while holding onto your lapel (tail-end of the jacket skirt weaved between your legs), keep heavy on top in the Sprawl and grab the pan...
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