Over Under Reversal from Sprawl vs Takedown → Uchi Mata vs Single Leg
2 Part Lesson — Marcelo counters a Single Leg Take-Up by observing which of his opponent's knees comes up from the mat against his Sprawl: [I] If your opponent lifts his inside knee up to build his or her base to stand up with your leg for a Single Leg Take-Down, grab a hold of it and fling the leg to the outside in a manner similar to Sumigaeshi. If he posts he or she posts the outside hand to the mat, pummel an Under-Hook and whip them back over to the inside, taking them off of the Single Leg. [II] If the opponent steps up with the outside leg, block the far elbow to prevent a post and toss them with an Uchimata. When you land, stay on top with a Back-Step, even if it means holding Reverse Mount; if you can manage, free your leg to the side and take the top position in Side Control.