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Technique: 'Guard/Half Guard/Top/Transitions - Back Step Half Guard to O...';
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Collar and Elbow Control vs Butterfly, Leg Over Pass vs Half Guard, Leg Over to Back Step Half Guard, Back Step Half Guard to Over Under Pass.

3 Part Technique - Use Collar and Elbow Control to connect your initial pass. Leg Over to counter the opponent's Deep Half Guard and look for the Under Hook. If the opponent secures an Under Hook first, exposing your back, turn to face...
Back Step Pass vs Half Guard, Back Step to Over Under Pass

2 Part Technique - The Back Step into Reverse Half Guard is an excellent solution for when your opponent places you inside his Half Guard and you cannot pummel for an underhook. As you land your hip onto the mat on the opposite side, t...
Posted: 4690 days ago
Leg Over Pass vs Half Guard, Back Step Pass vs Half Guard, Back Step Half Guard to Over Under Pass

1 Part Lesson -- Marcelo teaches his students what to do after they have done the leg over pass vs half guard, but find themselves without the space to pummel for the underhook. The first thing you must do is immediately spin towards t...
Over Under Pass vs Butterfly, Over Under Pass vs Half Guard, Back Step Pass vs Half Guard, Back Step Half Guard to Over Under Pass

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo teaches a new move one of his students discovered: [I] Hand-fight to set up a penetration step inside your opponent's Butterfly for the Over/Under Pass versus Half Guard. [II] If your opponent gets the underhook...
Kimura Grip from Back Step Half Guard vs Bridging Escape

2 Part Lesson - Weave between the Back Step Pass and Over Under Pass against Half Guard to find the Under Hook. If the opponent wraps around your hips to bridge against your Back Step Half Guard, utilizes the Kimura Grip to pin him.
Guillotine from Back Step Half Guard Pass

2 Part Lesson - Battle the opponent for the Under Hook in Half Guard by weaving between the Back Step Pass and Over Under Pass. During your transitional switch, find the Guillotine and lock the opponent's neck to either pass his guard ...
Back Step Half Guard to Over Under Pass

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo talks deeply about the development of his Half Guard Passing Game and how training Nogi inspired him to take greater risks in order to become more efficient with his timing and energy during a match: [I] Before ...
Guillotine vs Half Guard

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo threatens a choke while passing: [I] If you cannot find an Underhook as you transition from side to side in your opponent's Half Guard, chances are, his neck is unprotected and therefore susceptible to the Guill...
Sit Over vs Deep Half Guard → Back Step Half Guard Pass to Knee Slide Pass

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo constantly has a back-up plan when passing: [I] If you get caught without an underhook and your opponent catches your leg in Deep Half, preventing your Back Step Pass Counter, push on his face and drive your kne...
Under Hook and Head vs Half Guard → Back Step Half Guard to Over Under Pass

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo teaches us how to not mentally attach to the loss of control: [I] Attempting to pass your opponent's guard from Combat Base, if you lose the underhook while forcing Half Guard, don't hesitate on your next moveme...
Back Step Pass to Over Under Pass vs Half Guard

3 Part Lesson - Marcelo Back Steps against an opponent's Half Guard to find an Under Hook and quickly returns to an Over Under Pass, if the space to Under Hook is actually underneath him.
Guillotine vs De-la-Riva → Back Step Half Guard to Over Under Pass → Leg Over to Back Step Half Guard

4 Part Lesson — Marcelo swivels around his opponent's Half Guard until an opportunity to attack presents itself: [I] Look for the Reverse Underhook off the Back-Step to pass into North/South or land on his neck for the Guillotine Choke...
Sit Over vs Deep Half Guard → Back Step Half Guard to Over Under Pass → Back Step Pass vs Half Guard

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo counters the Deep Half Guard: [I] If you cannot perform the Leg-Over Pass against the Deep Half because your weight is distributed too much on your knee by the opponent's shoulder, execute a Sit-Over transition ...
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