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Technique: 'Mount/Submissions - North South Choke from Mount';
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Armbar, North South Choke from Mount

2 Part Technique - The Armbar is one of the most common submissions from Mount, so the opponent will become familar in defending it. He understands it is possible to prevent the submission by lowering his trapped arm, but this only exp...
Posted: 5298 days ago
Foot Replace vs Knee Push Mount Escape, North South Choke from Mount, North South Choke vs Half Guard

2 Part Technique - Post your foot flat on the mat by the opponent's hip when he attempts to slide your leg into half guard with a knee push escape from mount. While his arms are occupied in posture, reach around his neck and drop to yo...
Armbar from Mount, North South Choke from Mount

2 Part Technique - Even though the opponent can "T-Rex" his arms tightly in defense against your knees sliding into his armpits from the mount, you can still attack his arms by turning him on his side and introducing weight onto his tr...
Posted: 5056 days ago
Mount, Guillotine from Mount, North South Choke from Mount

2 Part Technique - Learning how to attack during the transition is an important part of Marcelo's top game and the mount is a prime example of how he uses his opponent's escape to set up a choke. He will often let his opponent push on ...
Guillotine from Mount, North/South Choke from Mount Control

2 Part Lesson — Whether his opponent attempts an 'Elbow-Knee Escape' from Mount on the left or right side, Marcelo has an answer with submission: [I] Since Marcelo's chokes are right-handed, if his opponent turns into the right-side, h...
Posted: 4213 days ago
Guillotine or North South Choke vs Mount Escape

3 Part Lesson - Depending on which knee an opponent pushes to escape Mount triggers Marcelo's reactions. The two escaping movements creates similar shapes that expose the opponent's neck. Pushing the left knee forms the shape of a Guil...
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