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Technique: 'Guard/Open Guard/Top/Passes - Knee Inside Pass vs Inverted G...';
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Breaking the Closed Guard, Knee Inside Pass vs Inverted Guard, Double Knee Pass vs Open Guard, Leg Drag Pass vs Open Guard

3 Part Technique -If we don't want to see what our opponent has to offer from his Closed or Open Guard, stand up and pick him up off the ground. Pry his legs open and prepare to pass immediately after he slips off of your hips. If he t...
Hand Fighting & Breaking Grips, Back Step & Knee Slide vs DLR Guard

2 Part Lesson - Marcelo explains how to Hand Fight and break the grips against an opponent playing De La Riva Guard. In addition, to answering your next move if you cannot break the opponent's grasp on your sleeve.
Open Guard to Quarter Mount → Torreando Pass vs Foot Wipe → Backstep Pass vs Inverted Guard → Duck-Under vs Inverted Half Guard

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo passes from Quarter Mount: [I] Place your opponent in Quarter Mount and defend your inside space with your two free remaining limbs against the opponent's three active parts until you can close the distance and ...
Leg Pull Escape → Double Under Pass vs Inverted Guard → Knee Inside Pass vs Inverted Guard

2 Part Lesson —Marcelo counterattacks two types of leg entanglement after breaking Closed Guard: [I] Disallow your opponent from ensnaring your leg by contracting your knee up into your chest; effectively, stepping out of danger before...
Double Under Pass vs Inverted Guard, Knee Inside Pass vs Inverted Guard

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo passes the Upside-Down Guard: If your opponent insists on engaging you with an Inverted Guard, you cannot offer your lead leg to get entangled, nor can you carelessly misplace your hand inside for a possible Ar...
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