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Technique: 'Guard/Butterfly/Top/Passes - Over Under Pass vs Butterfly';
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Over / Under Guard and Half Guard Pass

3 Part Technique - Passing the Guard and Halfguard using Over / Under Control. This is one of Marcelo's favorite Guard Passes. The Nogi version is exactly the same, except you would use Head and Underhook Control if you or your opponen...
Posted: 5476 days ago
Over / Under Guard and Halfguard Pass from Collar and Arm Control

2 Part Technique - Over / Under Guard and Halfguard Pass using the Collar and Arm Control. This is the preferred Nogi version of this pass using Underhook and Head control.
Over Under Control, Hook Sweep from Butterfly, Frame Escape vs Over Under Pass, Hook Sweep from Half Guard, Bridge Escape from Half Guard

2 Part Technique - Counter the Over Under Guard Pass by crunching your body and stopping their diagonal pressure. With your Over Under Control, Hook Sweep the opponent to reverse the position. If the opponent is able to flatten your ba...
Passing the De La Riva Guard

2 Part Technique - Before the opponent can establish a control and put you in the De La Riva Guard position, break the grips and work a pass of your own, such as the Over / Under Guard Pass. However, now the opponent was able to establ...
Knee Cross from the Over / Under Half Guard Pass and Back Step Half Guard

2 Part Technique - If the opponent is able to get the under hook while you perform the Over/Under Guard Pass, establish the Underhook and Head Control the opposite way instead. Flatten the opponent out and bring your knee across the mi...
Back Step Half Guard to Over Under Guard Pass

2 Part Technique - The Back Step Half Guard is a great solution when you cannot establish an underhook for passing. Sometimes the opponent may secure an underhook in Half Guard, so use the Back Step Half Guard to pass on the opposite s...
Over Under Pass vs Butterfly and Half Guard

2 Part Technique - The Over Under Pass is one of the most successful guard passes used. It would be ideal to continue from the Over Under Pass vs Butterfly into the Over Under Pass vs Half Guard. The Over Under Control vs Half Guard is...
Under Hook and Head Control Over Under Pass vs Butterfly and Half Guard

2 Part Technique - The Over Under Pass uses a different control for Gi and Nogi. In Gi, continue to use the Over Under Control, while in Nogi use an Under Hook and Head Control instead. The Under Hook and Head Control is better for Nog...
Over Under Pass vs Butterfly, vs Half Guard

2 Part Technique - The Over Under Pass is the most efficient and safest way to pass the guard. Use the Over Under Control for Gi and the Underhook and Head Control for Nogi. If the opponent uses his knee to block your pass, counter by ...
Over Under Pass vs Hook Sweep, Mount vs Hook Sweep

2 Part Technique - If the opponent attempts a Hook Sweep during your Over Under Pass, kick the hooked leg low while sprawling your hip to the mat. Bring your far knee inside when establishing Side Control to avoid his guard. If you can...
Over Under Control vs Butterfly, Over Under Pass vs Half Guard, Double Under Control vs Butterfly, Folding Pass vs Butterfly

2 Part Technique - Hand fight to create an Over Under Control opening against the opponent's butterfly guard. Beat the opponent's half guard by resting your weight above his pinned knee. If an opponent with strong legs forces the Over ...
Over Under Pass vs Butterfly, Underhook and Head vs Half Guard, Over Under vs Half Guard

2 Part Technique - Counter your opponent's Double Under Control from Butterfly by framing against his neck and pummeling for Over Under Control. Clear his knee into Half Guard and cinch up with Underhook & Head Control for the Over Und...
Over Under Control vs Butterfly, Over Under Pass vs Butterfly, Over Under Pass vs Hook Sweep

2 Part Technique - When you engage your opponent's Butterfly Guard with Over Under Control for the Over Under Pass, he may use his own Over Under Control to steer you away from the side of the pass (overhook-side). Before he can begin ...
Standing Step Pass vs Butterfly, Over Under Pass vs Butterfly

3 Part Technique - Engaging your opponent in his Butterfly Guard is a matter of distance, connectivity, and opportunity; if you're going to close the distance for a pass, always insist on gaining the upper hand with a dominant form of ...
Hand Fighting from Standing, Over Under Control vs Butterfly, Folding Pass vs Butterfly, Breaking Gi Grips from Standing

3 Part Lesson - As the opponent signals his intentions of pulling guard, simultaneously force your pass by initially pinning his leg. Recognize his movements and answer with connecting passes, while anticipate his gripping and hand fig...
Over Under Control vs Butterfly, Over Under Pass

2 Part Lesson - As you drive into the Over Under Control, recognize the opponent's willingness to accept Half Guard or his feet placement in anticipation to Hook Sweep. As the opponent crunches to initiate the Hook Sweep, force and tur...
Over Under Pass, Far Side Armbar, Near Side Armbar, Knee on Belly, Far Side Armbar

3 Part Lesson - Once you are comfortable with executing the mechanics of a technique your mind should focus on anticipating your next adjacent move. Your play will be determined by the opponent's offensive, neutral, or defensive reacti...
Handfighting vs Half Guard, Over Under vs Half Guard, Under Hook and Head vs Half Guard, Over Under Pass vs Half Guard, Head & Arm Control vs Half Guard

2 Part Lesson — [I] If your opponent prevents you from connecting your hands together for Underhook & Head Control by framing against your cross-facing arm, either circle under or over his frame to make your grip and pass the Half Guar...
Over Under Pass vs Butterfly, Over Under Pass vs Half Guard, Back Step Pass vs Half Guard, Back Step Half Guard to Over Under Pass

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo teaches a new move one of his students discovered: [I] Hand-fight to set up a penetration step inside your opponent's Butterfly for the Over/Under Pass versus Half Guard. [II] If your opponent gets the underhook...
Stacking Pass, Over/Under Control vs Butterfly, Turning Pass vs Half Guard, Side Control to North/South Position

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo concludes his Stacking Pass series with the Turning Pass: [I] Capture your opponent's ankle between your legs and hug his knee close to your chest if you cannot readily lift him up with Double/Under Control for ...
Circle Pass vs Butterfly Guard, Double Under Pass vs Inverted Guard, Back Step Pass vs Inverted Guard, Back Step Pass vs Half Guard
Escaping the Omoplata from Over Under Pass

2 Part Lesson - As you feel the opponent frame and swing his leg over to Omoplata, retreat by pulling out with your thumb down. If you've lost the battle, grab the other side and swim under his triangled legs to free yourself.
Passing from Wrist Control & Hiding Your Intentions

3 Part Lesson - Hide your intentions to pass through controlling the opponent's wrist. His reaction of pulling back creates an exposing opportunity to strike and pass.
Collar Control & Passing against Guard Pull, Folding Pass, Over Under Pass, Knee Inside Pass

3 Part Lesson - As the opponent jumps guard, grab his nearest leg, stay square and lower your level to circle against his legs. Use the Folding Pass to answer his hip escape and control his collars to close the distance.
2on1 Control Counter vs Butterfly, Over Under Control vs Butterfly, Circle Pass vs Butterfly Guard

2 Part Lesson — MG shows how to create an opportunity for attack after a grip break: [I] You must develop the response of "yanking" your arm free when you feel the opponent reach for 2on1 Control. If you wait until it is too late, your...
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