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Technique: 'Guard/Open Guard/Top/Counters - Hand Control and Leg Escape ...';
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Counter vs Berimbolo → Hand Control and Leg Escape vs Leg Attacks from 50/50 Guard
Hand Control and Leg Escape vs Leg Attacks from 50/50 Guard
Hand Control and Leg Escape vs Leg Attacks
Counter vs Berimbolo, Hand Control and Leg Escape vs Leg Attacks from 50/50 Guard, Back Step Pass vs Inverted Open Guard, Leg Pull Escape vs 50/50 Entry
Leg Pull Escape vs 50/50 → Over Under vs Half Guard
Hand Control and Leg Escape vs Leg Attacks from 50/50 Guard → Single Leg Counter
Hand Control and Leg Escape vs Leg Attacks from 50/50 Guard
Hand Control and Leg Escape vs Leg Attacks from 50/50 Guard
Hand Control and Leg Escape vs Leg Attacks from 50/50 Guard
Hand Control and Leg Escape vs Leg Attacks from 50/50 Guard
Escape vs Leg Attacks from 50/50 Guard
Leg Pull Escape vs 50/50, Leg Drag Pass vs Open Guard
Breaking the Closed Guard → Leg Pull Escape vs 50/50 Entry → Kick Escape vs Tripod Sweep
Counter vs Spiral Guard, Hand Control and Leg Escape vs Leg Attacks from 50/50 Guard, Leg Pull Escape vs 50/50 Entry, Escape vs Knee Bar from Open Guard
Kick Escape vs Tripod Sweep → Hand Control and Leg Escape vs Leg Attacks from 50/50 Guard
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