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Technique: 'Guard/Half Guard/Top/Controls - Reverse Under Hook and Head ...';
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Underhook and Head Control vs Butterfly, Knee Slide Pass vs Butterfly, Reverse Underhook and Head vs Half Guard, Knee Cross vs Half Guard

2 Part Technique - If the opponent prevents your initial Knee Slide by blocking with his hand, swim for the Reverse Underhook and Head Control vs Half Guard instead. You need an far side under hook to pass properly, so crossing your kn...
Under Hook and Head Control Bridge Sweep from Half Guard, Reverse Under Hook and Head vs Half Guard, Knee Cross vs Half Guard

2 Part Technique - If you feel you cannot sweep after being forced into Half Guard, look for the Under Hook and Head Control Bridge Sweep. The top control will give you the torque needed to turn the opponent's upper body, while bridgin...
Reverse Underhook and Head vs Half Guard, Knee Cross vs Half Guard, Back Step Pass vs Half Guard

2 Part Technique - Your opponent may realize that you need an underhook to pass his half guard, but he'll likely forget to protect both of his sides for it. Try to flatten out his underhook on the side of the half guard, and when the o...
Leg Over Pass vs Half Guard, Knee Cross vs Half Guard, Knee Slide Pass vs Half Guard

3 Part Technique - Learning to battle during the transition is oftentimes the difference the success or failure of a pass. However, if your opponent takes a defensive posture to protect himself from your underhook, use his inactivity t...
Transition to Mount vs Butterfly, Reverse Underhook and Head vs Half Guard, Knee Cross vs Half Guard, Half Guard to Mount

2 Part Technique - You will have the speed advantage against an opponent with his back on the ground. Pressure into Mount by forcing the opponent's leg in between yours. If the opponent controls at your knee to prevent your leg from sw...
Breaking the Closed Guard, Leg Drag Pass vs Open Guard, Reverse Underhook and Head Control, Folding Pass, Knee on Belly

3 Part Technique - If your opponent avoids the grip battle while holding you in his Closed Guard, simply pop up to your feet and prepare to break his guard. If he applies the Ankle Pull Sweep, kick your foot out of his grasp to catch y...
Underhook & Head Control Knee Slide vs Half, Reverse Underhook & Head Control Knee Slide vs Half Guard

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo teaches a class on passing the Half Guard when his opponent is particularly good at pummeling for his own underhook: [I] Keep your opponent as flat as possible to increase your angle of attack for your underhook...
Knee Cross vs Half Guard, Leg Over Pass vs Half Guard

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo teaches how to react when you cannot establish a far side underhook in half guard: [I] When you find yourself in half guard, your best bet is to cross face with your near arm and pummel for the far side underho...
Leg Drag to Folding/Smash Pass, Head & Arm Control vs Half Guard, Knee Cross Pass vs Half Guard

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo demonstrates his version of the Leg Drag Attack: [I] Place your opponent in a Quarter Mount by controlling his knee and ankle, and feeding it between your legs when facing his Open Guard. Prepare for his other l...
Push to Open Guard, Double Under Control vs Butterfly, Transition to Mount vs Butterfly, Half Guard to Mount, Reverse Under Hook and Head vs Half Guard, Knee Cross vs Half Guard

4 Part Lesson — Paul shows his "Crawling" to Mount Series: [I] After pushing the opponent flat on his back, cover his hips with Double Under Control to stifle his Butterfly Guard and begin crawling up over one of his legs for a high Ha...
Crawling to Mount vs Single Leg X Guard

2 Part Lesson — Paul teaches a Pass against Single Leg X for 7 points: [I] Divert your opponent's attempt to uproot your lead leg with Shin-on-Shin from Seated Single Leg Control by driving your weight into the Reverse Side. Use your t...
2on1 Push to Open Guard, ¾-Mount vs DLR, Half Guard to Mount, Knee Cross vs Half Guard, Leg Drag Pass vs DLR Guard

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo shows 3 passes for when an opponent blocks you with a De-La-Riva Hook: [I] If your opponent grabs onto your ankle, preventing you from passing his Open Guard with a Knee Slide, Standing Step, or Circle Pass, rel...
Grip Breaking vs DLR-Guard, ¾-Mount vs DLR-Guard, Knee Across Pass, Leg Over Pass vs ¼-Guard, Leg Over to Reverse ½-Guard, Back-Step Pass to N/S Position
Forcing Mount vs Open Guard, Knee Cross vs Half Guard

2 Part Lesson - Turn your knee against the opponent's DLR to kill his hook and immediately break his collar grip to stay balanced. Force the opponent's knee down and clasp an unorthodox Reverse Under Hook and Head Control as he blocks ...
Sprawl vs Deep Half Entry → Over Under Pass vs Half Guard → Back Step Pass vs Half Guard

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo counters entry into the Deep Half with two passes: [I] If you're pulled into a Deep Half Guard wherein your opponent has claimed both an Underhook as well dominion over your leg with his arm, try to Sprawl your ...
Underhook & Head Control Knee Slide Pass vs Butterfly → Reverse Underhook & Head Control Knee Cross vs Half Guard → Leg Over Pass vs Half Guard

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo shares 3 Knee Slide Pass Variations: [I] Keep your opponent at a distance while standing against his Seated Guard until he opens up his elbow for you to claim Underhook & Head Control; simultaneously, cut your k...
Ankle Pick vs Single Leg from Butterfly → Reverse Under Hook and Head vs Half Guard → Knee Across Pass vs ¼-Guard → Half Guard to Mount

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo counters the Seated Single with Passing: [I] Keep your opponent down off of a Single by picking up his leg, stepping over it, knocking him back, and cutting across with and Underhook when he opens his elbow for ...
Knee Slide, Press to Mount & Knee Cross vs Knee Shield / Half Guard

3 Part Lesson - Re align the opponent's legs to change his Knee Shield into a pseudo Half Guard position. With his knees parallel, Slide or Press yourself into Mount while looking to clamp his upper body to pass.
Double Unders vs Open Guard Legs to Half Guard

2 Part Lesson - Find Half Guard against an opponent protecting his inside space through posting against your upper body and retracting his Open Guard. Swim for Double Unders against his legs first and use the control to maneuver your l...
Headquarters -> 3/4 Mount -> Tripod Pass

2 Part Lesson - Marcelo advances position from Headquarters to the 3/4–Mount for a Tripod Pass to Side Control or Mount: [I] Whether you can break your opponent's Cross Collar Grip or not, dedicate both of your hands to pushing t...
Knee Pin & Forcing Half Guard vs. Open Guard, Reverse Under Hook from Half Guard

2 Part Lesson - Against a shielded and concealed Open Guard player, choose your favorite side to hold Half Guard. Charge and pin the opponent's leg and slowly climb upwards from the knee, hips, and en route to a strong upper body contr...
Posted: 2327 days ago
Knee Pin vs. Open Guard, Reverse Under Hook & Turning Pass from Half Guard

3 Part Lesson - Choose your favorite side to hold Half Guard. Tuck and pin the opponent's leg - slowly climb upwards from the knee, hips, and en route to a strong upper body control in Half Guard.
Reverse Cross Arm Under Hook and Head vs Half Guard

Lesson Part 2 of 2 -- Marcelo counters his opponent's counter with a reversed version of upper-body control: Don't forget to use your head as a fifth-limb to help clean up your opponent's arm when capturing them in the Cross-Arm Under-...
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