Hand Fighting from Butterfly → 2on1
4 Part Lesson — Marcelo expounds upon the intricacies that underpin maintaining posture while openly seated in Butterfly Guard. Your opponent, either Standing or Kneeling in top position, can impose his weight readily as well as resort to a mobility advantage. However, sitting upright in an Open Butterfly Guard affords the player the ability to utilize all four limbs to stave off pressure from the adversary, at cost of high energy expenditure. You must activate your core muscle group to lean forward and forgo getting pushed flat. Avoid giving up any Underhooks, and circle your ankles free if he attempts to lift your legs to drive you back. When the pressure recedes, follow the opponent's arms and gather the 2on1 Control into a sweep or improvement. If you notice a pattern that continues to end unfavorably, break up the sequence by changing positions entirely.